2012 IRSES Meeting圆满落幕


2012年9月10日,为期4日的中德“系统生物学及系统病理学”会议在上海科学院顺利召开。上海生物信息技术研究中心主任李亦学教授、副主任刘雷教授、副书记谢鹭研究员、韦朝春教授、曹志伟教授等参加了会议,包括德国罗斯托克大学Hans-Jürgen Thiesen教授、德国罗斯托克蛋白质组中心Michael O. Glocker教授、德国波恩大学附属医院Glen Kristiansen教授、新加坡生物医学研究所Daniel Messerschmidt博士、瑞士苏黎世大学Michael Krützen博士、中国科学院上海生命科学研究院计算生物学研究所Philipp Khaitovich研究员、上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所研究员廖侃教授、上海同济大学生命科学与技术学院江赐忠教授、上海交通大学生命科学技术学院赵一雷教授等在内的数位国内外生物领域的专家学者受邀参加会议。




2012 IRSES Meeting Successfully completed.


2012 IRSES Meeting started on September 10th at Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology. Prof. Yixue Li, Prof. Lei Liu, Dr. Lu Xie, Prof. Chaochun Wei and Prof. Zhiwei Cao from Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology attended the meeting. Domestic and overseas scientists and experts in the field of biology were invited including Prof. Hans-Jürgen Thiesen from University of Rostock, Prof. Michael O. Glocker from Proteome Center Rostock of Germany, Prof. Glen Kristiansen from University Hospital of Bonn, Germany, Dr. Daniel Messerschmidt from Institute of Medical Biology, Singapore, Dr. Michael Krützen from University of Zürich, Switzerland, Dr. Philipp Khaitovich from CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, China, Prof. Kan Liao from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Cizhong Jiang from Tongji University, Prof. Yilei Zhao from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and others.

2012 IRSES Meeting was hosted by Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology with the title of System biology of C2H2 zinc finger genes: Zinc Finger Biology, Stem Cell and Systems Pathology.

Experts and Student Representatives showed their research achievements in Toponome Analysis, Cancer, Primate Evolution, Functional Genomics, Human Disease, Zinc finger biology, Renal Cancer and System Pathology. Both sides had a heated discussion and communication and gave valuable advices. After the symposium, both sides discussed the present states of cooperation and partnerships in the future as well as the arrangement of the IRSES Meeting in 2013.

The experts from Germany said that Shanghai is not only a beautiful metropolis, but also a high-qualified research center with various study fields and academic scientists and researchers. Both sides were satisfied with this meeting and gained new research ideas and methods after the 4-days report and discussion. Both Chinese and German sides hope that the meeting hosted by Germany next year will also be a huge success and lays a solid foundation for the continuous communication and cooperation.