关于筹建中日韩联合生物信息研究院 二零一二年第一次会议圆满落幕



上海科学院党组书记、院长钮晓鸣出席了会议并作欢迎致辞。本次会议由上海生物信息技术研究中心主办,参会人员主要有上海生物信息技术研究中心主任李亦学、副主任刘雷、副书记谢鹭、韦朝春教授等;韩国国家生物信息中心主任Sanghyuk Lee、韩国浦项科技大学生物研究信息中心主任Hong Gil Nam教授、韩国浦项科技大学Daehee Hwang教授;日本国家遗传所Saitou Naruya教授,Yoshio Tateno教授。会议就中日韩三国生物信息机构的发展现状进行交流,并就如何深化三国之间生物信息领域的交流与合作,如何依据2012年4月上海中日韩三国科技部长会议达成的科技合作备忘录中关于建立中日韩联合生物信息研究院的有关条款,推动中日韩联合生物信息研究院建设,进行了具体和深入的讨论。





2012 first meeting on proposal of CJK Bioinformation Institute successfully completed


      2012 first meeting on proposal of CJK Bioinformation Institute was held at Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology on the morning of August 6, 2012.

Welcomed speech was given by The President of Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology, Niu Xiaoming. This meeting was hosted by Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology and the participates included Director of SCBIT, Yixue Li; Vice director, Lei Liu; Deputy Party Branch Secretary, Lu Xie;Professor Chaochun Wei; Director of Korean Bioinformation Center, Sanghyuk Lee; Director of Biological Research Information Center of Po Hang University of Science and Technology, Hong Gil Nam; Professor of Po Hang University of Science and Technology, Daehee Hwang; Professor of The National Institute of Genetics of Japan, Saitou Naruya and Yoshio Tateno. Delegates from three countries gave brief introductions of the present developing situation of national or regional bioinformation institutions and have extensive and in-depth discussions of how to deepen the communication and cooperation among the three countries in the field of bioinformation and the establishment of the joint Bioinformatics Institute according to relevant provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation signed in April 2012.

The co-operation of Bioinformatics Training Course among Japan, Korea and China has been going on for 10 years. With the diversification of the training content and form, the training course was expanded to symposium a few years ago. The long-term cooperation among Japan, Korea and China hold important international significance on training future talents, exploring new translational biomedical strategies to improve human health. At the meeting on proposal of CJK Bioinformation Institute held at Jeju Island in 2011, SCBIT, as the representative of Bioinformation Research Institution of China, reached a preliminary intent on the establishment of the joint Bioinformatics Institute with Japan and Korea on the basis of the long-term cooperation among the three countries. Later, the Korean Minister of MEST announce the proposal of establishing the joint Institute on Bioinformatics in which SCRIT served as the only jointly proposed unit of Chinese side. The proposal was officially listed in Memorandum of Science and Technology Cooperation among three countries.

The meeting mainly discussed how China and Japan scientists work to further promote the establishment of the joint Institute on Bioinformatics under the circumstances that the start-up funds are implemented by Korea side. The meeting focused on the multiple aspects of the structure, function and research areas of the joint Bioinformatics Institute; duties, rights and budget allocation of host country and participate countries as well as the location of the new institution. With the efforts of scientists, the basic structure of the joint Bioinformatics Institute was finally identified. The Institute also got a clear aim of “Contributing to a world-leading initiative in bioinformation and Systems biology by intellectual synergy among the scientists from the involved country; Leading to a new way in research endeavor and collaboration, which will result in transition from the follower-position to the leader-position in the related fields; Educating the next generation to continue what we aim at in the collaboration; Incorporating the needs and situations of the scientific and social environments in the East Asian countries.”

Through this meeting, Japan, Korea and China reached a tentative agreement which laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the Joint Bioinformatics Institute and further deepen of the cooperation and communication among the three countries and also gained valuable issues and ideas for the second and third meeting of this year.

After the meeting, Delegates from three countries signed a memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation papers, indicating the positive attitude towards the deeper level of cooperation in the future.