
In order to making better use of the advantages of the international industry-research collaboration of the innovation platform constructed by SITI, and to propel the R&D collaborations between VTT Technical Research Center of Finland and the shipping industry in China, “Collaboration Workshop on Solutions For Ship Industry Noise Control” was held on June 10th, 2015 in the Jinqiao Branch of SITI. Mr. Jouko Suokas, executive vice president of VTT, and Dr. Johannes Hyrynen, director of Efficient Machines and Vehicles, VTT, came to the workshop to get connected with the technical requirements from the industry. Mr. Shi Qian, vice president of SITI, and representatives of more than 10 leading ship enterprises and research institutes in China attended the workshop. The two sides carried out active communication in the field, exploring opportunities of collaborations.

Since the establishment of SITI-VTT Collaborative Innovation Joint Office at the end of 2014, the office coordinated and organized several visits and requirement investigations of visiting VTT experts into various industries including robots, mechanics and heavy industry, ship design, smart traffic, smart manufacturing, etc. Based on these visits and investigations, the industrial requirements have been outlined and focuses have been targeted towards some key industries and its technical problems, so that the collaborations could move on to actual projects. During the visit of Mr. Jouko Suokas, executive vice president of VTT, and Dr. Johannes Hyrynen, director of Efficient Machines and Vehicles, VTT, from June 8-11, they also paid visits to potential partners such as Triowin Robots, propelling further potential projects and exchange of visits.