
Recently, SAST, SITI and other institutions held jointly 15th Golden Bridge Industrial Technology Innovation Conference with the theme of “The New Pattern of Innovation, How to Use Data to Drive Growth”. Prof. David Gann, vice president of Imperial College London, was invited to be key speaker. The conference was hosted by Mr. Shi Qian, vice president of SAST and SITI, and Mr. Cao Amin, vice president of SAST presented the letter of appointment to Prof. David Gann.

Prof. David Gann explained that innovation is a loop process from idea to concept proofing, R&D, product and the final effects and results, with such features as value creation, providing as well as acquisition. He presented the innovation history of UK from 19th to 21st century with quite a few cases including Edison, Bell, etc. In his talk, Prof. David Gann shared his recent research achievements published in the newest “Harvard Business Review”, namely 5 innovation new models including “augmenting products to generate data”, “digitizing assets”, “Combining data within and across industries”, “trading data”, and “Codifying a distinctive service capability”, providing new perspectives of innovation to the participants of the conference.

On the conference, Mr. Cao Amin, vice president of SAST presented the letter of appointment of Chief Consultant for innovations of Shanghai Industrial Technology Institute to Prof. David Gann, and expressed that the two sides should deepen the joint researches and collaborations in the field of technology innovation.

More than 60 participants from government departments, fellow of academy center, Alumni Association (Shanghai) of Imperial College London, universities, research institutes and enterprises took part in the conference.